Na-Po-Re-Mo Season 2, and the Fight Against Addictions: Join us to help Kavi Raj

It is impossible to ignore NA-PO-RE-MO.

When an idea becomes an icon it certainly serves the purpose of being an inspiration to whoever comes into contact with it. A similar event transpired the previous year. It was the time when Writers' Kalam was in its early stages of inception. We were wanting to give something to our author-reader community. The problem we wanted to solve was to bridge the gap between the author and the reader. Usually in today's world getting an authentic platform to share our creative work adequately in front of a larger audience with enough support is a challenge. It was this challenge that we wanted to overcome.

And NA-PO-RE-MO was created: National Poetry Reading Month.

It was our initial year and our author community was small. However, a large community of readers and poetry lovers supported us and by God's grace we could move towards the successful completion of the event. As per our plan we recorded poetry-reading sessions in a very popular conference app. The recorded video was then processed and edited and the best ones were uploaded to our YouTube channel. (Best in terms of video quality, of course.)

The motto of the first season of NA-PO-RE-MO was to give voice to the voiceless. We invited authors, poets, and poetry lovers to have a grand collaboration and celebration of poetry. This lasted throughout the month of November, the previous year. During the whole month the team of Writers’ Kalam thought that NA-PO-RE-MO was a moderate success. It was only after a few months since the conclusion of the event that we realised NA-PO-RE-MO had become an icon! It was a grand success!! This was from the response of the writers who participated and poetry lovers.

Today, after a year, standing on the threshold of the first anniversary of NA-PO-RE-MO we realise that NA-PO-RE-MO was more than a success. It had given Writers’ Kalam our identity.

So this year we come back with the second season of NA-PO-RE-MO. In the new season we have a new mission too. It is not just to give voice to those poets who do not get an opportunity to showcase their poems but also to address a major problem affecting our society that we stand for this year. As an organisation that supports nation building it is our duty to be involved in efforts to support the young generation of India.

It is impossible to ignore the outcry against drug abuse these days, which is always related in some way with colleges and schools. Students, irrespective of their age groups, are seen to take part unobtrusively in drug abuse. Some of them get caught by the law enforcement. The big sharks in the chain, the suppliers, often get to safety utilising their contacts. The intervention from law enforcement often results in a short term control of the activity. After a time, these nocturnal forces resume their activities. Is there a permanent solution to take the young generation out of substance abuse? Awareness is key and empathy. It is our attempt here to show empathy to these broken people and people with twisted world-views who resort to drugs to fix their problems.

NA-PO-RE-MO Season 2 is here to remind our society of the importance of confronting our young generation and tell them that we love and care for them. They need not resort to a chemical to make them special. They are special already.

Let’s unite with the power of poetry to spread the message of love. The mascot of NA-PO-RE-MO Season 2 is a knight in armour. We have named him Kavi Raj. He is in his battle to free our young generation from the diabolic grip of addictions- all kinds of additions, from drugs to pornography. His weapon is inspired poetry, infused with the Redeeming Power of God.

Join this battle with Kavi Raj and help him win. Now.

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