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The Perils Behind the Curtain: The Pitfalls in Pursuing Self-Publishing Companies

In an era where aspiring writers are empowered like never before to share their stories with the world, the rise of self-publishing has been both a blessing and a curse. While it offers a gateway to independence and creative control, the landscape is fraught with pitfalls, particularly when navigating the labyrinth of self-publishing companies. Preeti Shenoy, a prominent voice in the literary world, recently delved into the murky waters of self-publishing in her article titled "Self Publish or Not is the Question." Her insights shed light on the often-overlooked realities that writers encounter, especially in regions like India. The Illusion of Support Self-publishing companies often allure writers with promises of comprehensive support: editing services, cover design, marketing strategies, and global distribution. They paint a picture of a seamless path to success, fueling dreams of literary acclaim and financial independence. However, the reality can be starkly different. M

Writers' Kalam Presents Golden Pen Literary Awards


In our struggle to give vice to the voiceless and to support writers and the community of readers, we have now come up with a brand news award: The Writers' Kalam Golden Pen Literary Awards. Only writers will be considered for the honour. We will be taking into account the quality of writing, quantitatively assess their published works, and consider their overall passion towards creative writing and the art of literature. 

Any Indian citizen is eligible to apply with at least one published work of literature - short story, poetry, novel, essays, etc.- in any online, offline, print or any other medium. 

Nominations Open

Interested writers can email us with the details of your achievements, a detailed bio, and an HD photo to


Those who are nominated will be slated according to the contributions that you made in the field of literature and/or education. 

You will receive:

  • Certificate of honour

  • Feature published including all your achievements in 

  • Free custom poster


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